Boost Your Stakes, Boost Your Rides: MOBIX Rewards Just Got Bigger!

Boost Your Stakes, Boost Your Rides: MOBIX Rewards Just Got Bigger!

Big News for the MOBIX Community: The MOBIX Staking Reward Pool Has Been Doubled! We’re thrilled to announce an update for our MOBIX community members who have staked their MOBX tokens: your rewards for collecting MOBIX Miles on your eco-friendly trips just got...
MOBIX Milestones – A Successful Year 2023  in Turkey

MOBIX Milestones – A Successful Year 2023 in Turkey

Throughout this year, MOBIX has been establishing its presence in Turkey. Playing a key role in this initiative is Uygar Erkus, an early and committed member and MOBIX Messenger. Uygar’s dedication has notably contributed to the growth of the MOBIX community in...
MOBIX Park & Charge – Turbocharging Sustainable Mobility

MOBIX Park & Charge – Turbocharging Sustainable Mobility

Insufficient EV charging infrastructure is a major roadblock to sustainable mobility. Drivers fear running out of battery charge and being stranded, also known as range anxiety. This fear arises from the lack of charging stations. Nevertheless, there is a solution to...
The MOBIX Expansion – From Micromobility to Ecomobility

The MOBIX Expansion – From Micromobility to Ecomobility

Micromobility plays a major role in a wider and profound disruption of the whole mobility ecosystem. Its successful integration into our pre-existing mobility networks will have a major impact on our lives, cities, and environment. The MOBIX Expansion – From...
How To Invite Your Friends To MOBIX And Profit From It

How To Invite Your Friends To MOBIX And Profit From It

Encourage your friends to join MOBIX and profit from it – you, your friends, and all of us! Using micromobility instead of combustion engine-powered vehicles helps to save CO2 and improves the quality of life! Here you find out how to invite your friends, and...