MOBIX Ecomobility Ecosystem

MOBIX Marketplace
MOBIX is a digital marketplace for suppliers and customers of ecomobility applications, products, and services. ecofriendly mobility service and infrastructure providers offer their services and resources to individual and corporate users.
AI-powered Autonomous Economic Agents (AEA) enable ecoomobility providers, and users to connect and interact directly with each other thereby automating and optimizing key ecomobility processes such as marketing, search and discovery, settlement, payment, and billing. The aim of MOBIX is to make the life for residents in urban areas more social and more convenient.
Micromobility providers and users connect their digital identities to the MOBIX network, and immediately start offering and consuming micromobility resources and services. Benefitting commercial building owners and tenants, digital twins on MOBIX bring together previously unconnected systems, from security to HVAC, or way finding, optimise workflows, reduce costs, increase occupancy rates, and improve overall asset utilisation and value.
The MOBIX blockchain provides security and trust, and allows for highly efficient processes, such as fully automated micropayments. Based on a Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) infrastructure, it provides the user with full control over their own data (data sovereignty) and creates a non-discriminating environment for collaboration, cooperation and competition.
MOBIX Partners
The MOBIX Marketplace is the ideal location for MOBIX partners to address and win new customers. By promoting their products and services directly in the MOBIX App, MOBIX partners contact new customers in their mobility contexts – while riding their bikes and scooters, parking their cargo bikes near the store, or when arriving at the parking lot.
MOBIX users recognize a MOBIX online or retail partner store by its MOBIX Partner sign. Using MOBIX as a reward, a discount, or in exchange for special products is straightforward, easy, and strengthens customer loyalty. Swapping MOBIX Miles with tokens in the MOBIX app is fun and provides ample opportunity to start conversations with customers.

Win Customers on the Move with MOBIX!
Join the MOBIX Marketplace and connect with our users in their mobility moments. Elevate your brand by becoming a MOBIX Market Partner and boost customer loyalty effortlessly!
The nucleus of MOBIX is the MOBIX token that functions as a reward, i.e. a financial incentive, for the use of ecomobility products and services. Starting as a simple reward for the use of any service, over time MOBIX will become the key incentivization instrument for ecoomobility products and service and infrastructure providers to have their services promoted in an automated, contextualized way.
The MOBIX token value is created through the use of ecoomobility products and services and infrastructure on the MOBIX Marketplace: for each transaction on the MOBIX Marketplace, users receive a revenue share. That, in consequence, creates a sustainably growing micromobility ecosystem.