A great feature about the MOBIX Marketplace is that you can earn tokens by simply using eco-friendly means of transport. This may be seen analogue to mining Bitcoin. But instead of using computational power and resources, you may use e.g. an e-scooter, a bike,...
The initial version of MOBIX Wallet gave you the chance to part take in the MOBIX stakedrop and start earning your first MOBIX Miles. Today, the MOBIX team has delivered an update that focuses on getting the word on MOBIX out! Refer a friend – and earn MOBIX...
The initial allocation of 2 million MOBX in the MOBIX stakedrop started on October 20, 2021, and ends on December 20, 2021. How are the MOBX Tokens allocated to FET stakers? We sat down with developers at Fetch.ai in order to give you a rundown here of how this works....
During the Fetch.ai mainnet migration, you might have chosen to stake your FET via Cosmostation. There are several options you might have done that – and each option needs a different approach in order to enable your participation in the MOBIX stakedrop. Follow...
SSI acts as the underlying identity- and communication protocol between agents on MOBIX’ Deep Parking Use Case at the IAA Mobility. It allows for the integration of Verifiable Credentials and communication via private and encrypted communication channels between...
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