You have waited. And now you will harvest! The MOBIX stakedrop has come to an end and as of today, you can claim your MOBX reward tokens 🎉 So, get hold of your phone, open your freshly updated MOBIX app (check here for iOS and here for Android) – and follow this...
Do you know Laszlo Hanyecz? Yeah, the legend, who paid 10,000 BTC for two pizzas in May 2010. Today, that would be 416 Million EUR. But don’t worry, that was not your last chance to be a contributor to an early-stage blockchain project. 10,000 MOBX Usage Rewards...
Did you think Usage Mining is everything the MOBIX Ecosystem has to offer you? No, sir! Let us present our first MOBX Utility: MOBX Staking 2022 will start epic for you. You will be able to stake your $MOBX in our MOBIX Staking Smart Contract in the
UPDATED TIMELINEThe MOBIX stakedrop will finish today, as planned. We expect the MOBIX app update to be available in Google Play and Apple App Store on Thursday, 23 December – still right in time for receiving your MOBX as X-mas presents! Exciting times! We have...
The MOBIX stakedrop for FET stakers is slowly coming to an end. If you want to earn more MOBX after the stakedrop, you can earn MOBIX miles by completing micromobility trips – and, you can also stake your MOBX in the MOBIX wallet with the brand new staking...
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