2nd MOBIX Stakedrop for Fetch.ai Token Holders

2nd MOBIX Stakedrop for Fetch.ai Token Holders

Following the MOBIX Miles conversion, we would like to announce the 2nd MOBIX stakedrop. 1,000,000 (1 million) MOBX Tokens will be distributed between 11 APR to 10 MAY 2022. Since the MOBX Token is based on the Fetch.ai blockchain network, we have aligned the 2nd MOBX...
How To Participate in the MOBIX Stakedrop?

How To Participate in the MOBIX Stakedrop?

In this post, we’ll be informing readers on how they can get set up for the MOBIX Stakedrop starting on 20 October and extending until 20 December 2021. Before you begin you should already have FET Tokens staked on Fetch.ai mainnet. This is a prerequisite to...