Following the MOBIX Miles conversion, we would like to announce the 2nd MOBIX stakedrop. 1,000,000 (1 million) MOBX Tokens will be distributed between 11 APR to 10 MAY 2022. Since the MOBX Token is based on the blockchain network, we have aligned the 2nd MOBX stakedrop with’s network upgrade. A detailed guide “How to participate in the 2nd MOBIX stakedrop“ will be published, soon!
MOBIX stakedrop amount: 1,000,000 MOBX
MOBIX stakedrop period: 11 APR – 10 MAY 2022
To participate, you should have FET Tokens staked on the mainnet. This is a prerequisite to participating in the MOBIX stakedrop. To receive MOBIX tokens through the MOBIX stakedrop, you will need to connect your FET Wallet (with staked FET) to your MOBIX Wallet app. We will publish a detailed guide on how to do this, soon.
If you‘re new to staking, but want to join the growing staking community anyway, please read this primer on staking!
You also might want to join our MOBIX communities on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Telegram, and discuss all things micromobility with the MOBIX team! See you there!