Up to the initial conversion of MOBIX Miles to MOBX Tokens, the MOBIX token reward pool was distributed proportionately to earned MOBIX Miles. This method has now been updated with an additional factor. Starting the regular conversions from the 28th of March 2022,...
The usage mining of MOBIX tokens is the centerpiece of MOBIX. Since its launch, MOBIX users have been avidly collecting MOBIX Miles (some perhaps a bit too eagerly). Each of the past 22 periods, 10,000 MOBX tokens have been provided to the MOBIX Reward Pool...
Starting 28 March 2022, MOBIX updated the method of earning MOBIX Miles. MOBIX Miles rewards will be centered on the main focus of MOBIX: Incentivizing eco-friendly mobility. This means that users will need to get moving in order to get MOBIX Miles. This is how:...
People relying on mobility these days are experiencing major challenges. In particular, prices for fuel all over the world are rising to unprecedented heights. MOBIX wants to meet these current challenges with the MOBIX Mobility Bonus! Bonuses for fuel are already...
In this post, MOBIX presents Inter-Blockchain Communication IBC and its purpose in the Cosmos Network. The Cosmos Network is heavily focusing on promoting highly specialized blockchains, for instance for smart contracts, decentralized exchanges, or digital agents....
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