Introducing the MOBIX Family

Introducing the MOBIX Family

Too often have we heard headlines about the challenging conditions facing gig-economy workers; the most prominent of which is that they do not actually earn a decent wage for their hard labor. Estimates put 1.6 million people worldwide as full-time gig-economy workers...
X2Earn Apps & MOBIX Move2Earn

X2Earn Apps & MOBIX Move2Earn

In the crypto sphere, ‘X’2earn apps are experiencing what can only be described as a renaissance. The vast majority of people rely upon a steady income in order to live their lives and this development in the crypto space is presenting savvy users with the ability to...
Automated Market Makers and Liquidity Pools: Uniswap vs Balancer

Automated Market Makers and Liquidity Pools: Uniswap vs Balancer

In this blog post, we’ll be examining what automated market makers (AMMs) and liquidity pools are and how they work. We’ll also be examining how different decentralized exchanges (DEXes) utilize them in different ways, namely Uniswap and Balancer. If you haven’t read...
The Difference Between a CEX and a DEX

The Difference Between a CEX and a DEX

Besides sounding like characteristics for a roleplaying game like dungeons and dragons or the names of some obscure companies; you might also have heard the words ‘CEX’ and ‘DEX’ tossed around while people are discussing cryptocurrency. In this blog post, we’ll be...
MOBIX Usage Mining: Refer-a-Friend Feature

MOBIX Usage Mining: Refer-a-Friend Feature

Previously, we showed you how to earn MOBX tokens, while simply using the MOBIX app and eco-friendly transport. However, as most things in life are better with friends, both riding an e-scooter and earning MOBIX Miles are definitely some of those things. So, in this...