The MOBIX team is updating the calculation of the cryptocurrency’s circulating supply. Previously, the calculation included several factors, such as stakedrops, weekly token reward pools, like MOBIX Miles conversion and MOBIX staking, marketing events, and MOBIX partner incentives. However, the team has decided to automate the approach which will now be based on the total amount of MOBX that has left the MOBIX treasury accounts of originally 100.000.000 MOBX. The team believes that this will offer a simpler, more accurate representation of the number of MOBIX tokens in circulation.
For those interested in learning more about the intended use of MOBX tokens, please read this article on the MOBIX Tokenomics. The current circulating supply of MOBIX tokens will be connected via API and can be found on cryptocurrency tracking website CoinMarketCap (it might take some time to update).
Overall, the MOBIX team hopes that this update will bring more transparency and clarity to the circulating supply of MOBIX tokens.
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