In time with the start of the MOBIX Stakedrop, we’re launching MOBIX Wallet – the one-stop micromobility app. With MOBIX Wallet, users get MOBIX Miles as rewards for eco-friendly micromobility trips and transport. MOBIX Miles can then be converted into MOBIX Tokens. MOBIX Wallet also serves as the crypto wallet to send and receive MOBIX Tokens.
MOBIX Wallet is available for iPhones running on iOS 14 or newer versions, and for Android-based smartphones running on Android 7 and newer versions. It can be used in every country by every person for earning rewards using micromobility, i.e. e-Scooters, e-Bikes, e-CargoBikes, e-Mopeds, bikes, cargo bikes, etc. Its first version will come with a basic feature set, consisting of an onboarding process, and the ability to earn MOBIX Miles for using micromobility with a defined list of micromobility providers. Forthcoming versions will even allow MOBIX users to earn rewards for walking!
After installing MOBIX Wallet from your preferred platform, you should see a warm Welcome screen. From here, you will be able to create a new wallet – and to restore an existing wallet with a seed phrase. Since you’re a novice to MOBIX, you may now go through the onboarding & wallet creation process.
Start a Micromobility Trip
This is the main topic of MOBIX Wallet: Get rewarded for moving in an eco-friendly way! We have integrated a handful of micromobility providers. The icons you will see are linked to the respective apps or their store presence. You will have to prove you’re not a robot in order to enable this feature. This action will reward you with 20 MOBIX Miles. Just choose any of the providers and the app will start the ride detection. We will add an option to start a trip with self-owned micromobility vehicles, soon!

Now – Off for a MOBIX ride!
Moving with a micromobility vehicle: Grab a bike or (e)scooter and take a trip. You will get MOBIX Miles as a reward!
Side note to hackers: If you try to cheat and move in an eco-unfriendly vehicle with combustion engine, the MOBIX algorithm detects this and you won’t get rewards!
MOBIX Wallet Backup
You will find the option to back up your wallet from the app’s menu. If you’re already familiar with crypto wallets, you know how to securely manage your (access to your) MOBIX Wallet.
If MOBIX Wallet is your first crypto wallet, please make sure to inform yourself about how to handle crypto wallets and make sure that nobody else gets access to your wallet! You could start reading about crypto wallets here, with the mother of all cryptos: Bitcoin. (MOBIX Wallet is not a Bitcoin Wallet – but the way to handle your public and private keys is the same)
Claim MOBIX Tokens from MOBIX Stakedrop
After the end of the MOBIX Stakedrop on 20 DEC 2021, you will be able to claim your MOBX Tokens (Ticker: MOBX) from the Block Explorer Interface directly into your MOBIX Wallet. During the MOBIX Stakedrop, you can watch your MOBX Tokens continuously dripping into your account on the Block Explorer page.
Send & Receive MOBIX Tokens
Until the end of the MOBIX Stakedrop, you won’t be able to send or receive MOBIX Tokens with MOBIX Wallet. This is called a lock-up period, which ends with the end of the stakedrop, on 20 DEC 2021. After the end of the lock-up period, sending and receiving MOBIX Tokens will be enabled.
Now, we wish you a lot of fun using MOBIX Wallet and earning rewards for your micromobility rides! We would love to hear from you, where, when and how you use MOBIX Wallet for your rides! Join our MOBIX Telegram and MOBIX Twitter to share your micromobility experiences!
Let’s MOBIX!