MOBIX Park & Charge: From IAA Mobility Showcase to Smart City Solution

by | Sep 14, 2023

Cities suffer from congestion and bad air quality, divers can’t find parking space,  EV drivers panic in search of available EV charging points, and more people must swap cars with bikes and scooters. The search for parking space alone counts for up to 40% of CO2 emissions, and up to 50% of traffic –  there is a massive lack of sufficient parking and EV charging infrastructure due to rising (electric) vehicle use. At IAA Mobility 2023, the moveID mobility consortium demonstrated the future version of Park & Charge, including the latest AI, Web3, and privacy-preserving Identity technologiesMOBIX Park & Charge: From IAA Mobility Showcase to Smart City Solution.

Download the moveID Park & Charge brochure (PDF)

The downloadable moveID Park & Charge brochure includes a detailed description of participating actors, all processes running in the background, and a presentation of the contributing partners (BOSCH, Datarella, DENSO, deltaDAO / Ocean,, htw saar, peaq, and 51Nodes. from the moveID consortium.

A few impressions from our test ride parking space in the Munich city center:

The moveID Park & Charge IAA Mobility demonstrator is based on the public MOBIX app that, in its current version, rewards the use of micromobility, i.e. riding bicycles, eBikes, eScooters, and other sustainable vehicles. All micromobility rides are detected by the MOBIX algorithm which rewards each trip with 5 MOBIX Miles. To also reward the use of electric cars, a new reward mechanism will be added to the MOBIX app: EV drivers will be rewarded for charging their EVs at charging points. This new mechanism, and the fact that hundreds of thousands of users use MOBIX in 172 countries, resulted in the next MOBIX app version: MOBIX Park & Charge.

MOBIX Park & Charge is a service from users for users:  people around the world post their own parking spaces and EV charging points for others to use. Drivers find thousands of newly available parking spaces and charging points, saving tons of CO2 and valuable time. Cities struggling with congestion and heavy traffic jams benefit from MOBIX Park & Charge since it helps to free streets and improve overall quality of life.

MOBIX for Parking

Up to 40% of all CO2 emissions in cities are caused by cars driving around in search of a parking space. The environment suffers, the streets are clogged, and drivers are stressed. EVs will make up to 18% of the European car fleet by 2030, and 95% by 2050. While this spells good news for the environment, insufficient charging infrastructure has long posed an unsolved challenge. MOBIX Park & Charge offers the easiest way of parking in cities: searching, finding, reserving, and paying for previously free, but inaccessible parking spaces is now possible all over the world. Parking space providers can leverage their unused inventory by adding it to the MOBIX Park & Charge map and earn extra money.

MOBIX for Charging

According to the European EV Charging Infrastructure Masterplan, the EU requires a reliable and sustainable mobility charging infrastructure comprising 3.4 million public charging points and substantial utility grid enhancements. This endeavor is projected to incur cumulative expenses exceeding 240 billion by 2030. MOBIX Park & Charge outperforms competitors by swiftly scaling and expanding the public charging network with up to 10 times as many privately owned EV chargers. This approach ensures optimal charging locations, saving drivers time and hassle. Charging point owners can earn extra money by sharing their chargers and parking spaces.

MOBIX for Municipalities

Municipalities are struggling to reduce street congestion and CO2 emissions. Sanctions are not always the best way to get citizens to cooperate. Providing incentives is a more positive approach to encouraging people to choose environmentally friendly options. With MOBIX Park & Charge, EV drivers don’t have to search for a free charging point, and cities can move EVs from street parking to private charging points, freeing up space for bike lanes and pedestrian areas. By providing millions of additional EV charging options, MOBIX Park & Charge reduces the number of cars on city streets and improves air quality, thereby enhancing the quality of life for its citizens.

The moveID consortium partners, as well as the MOBIX team, are looking forward to further developing MOBIX Park & Charge as both, a practical, ready-to-use, publicly available Smart City solution, and a high-tech version leveraging the latest AI, Web3, and Identity technologies.

We hope that you enjoy participating in this event and would like to thank you in advance for your loyal token holdings! You also might want to join our MOBIX communities on XLinkedIn, and Telegram, and discuss all things ecomobility with the MOBIX team – see you there!