MOBIX Stories: Braving the Chill in Canada

by | Feb 19, 2023

Welcome to MOBIX Stories! Join us on a journey around the world as MOBIX app users share their micromobility experiences. From New York to Tokyo, Berlin to Sydney: Discover how MOBIX is empowering riders to create a more sustainable future!

Canadians are known for their resilience and resourcefulness in the face of harsh winter conditions, but MOBIXian John Hildebrandt takes it to the extreme. In the midst of a polar vortex that brought temperatures as low as -40°C, John straps on his helmet and pedals away on his bike, defying the bitter cold and the icy roads!

Q: John please tell us a bit about yourself and where are you located.

A: My name is John Hildebrandt (but most know me as “Atari Buzzk1LL” in the Cosmos ecosystem & community) and I live Northern Ontario, Canada.

Q: Which micromobility vehicles do you use?

A: I use an electric bicycle with saddle bags, and 4″ fat tires for winter and all-terrain travel.

Q: How long have you been using MOBX – and how do you typically use MOBIX?

A: I have been using MOBIX since launch day in Q4 of 2021, which I vividly remember because I was very sick, but, still so excited to ride my bike anyway and try the new dApp out! When I’m using MOBIX these days it’s typically for commuting around the city and most commonly, to the gym.

Q: In which seasons/temperature ranges do you use your micromobility vehicles? What was your hottest/coldest day with MOBIX?

A: I use my bike throughout all times of the year! Rain, snow, hail, wind, sun, or clouds I use my bike every single day as it is my only form of transportation. The coldest day with MOBIX that I experienced was actually at the beginning of February this year and it got down to a low of -42ºc at night when I used my bike to go to and from the gym.

Q: What’s the craziest thing you experienced during your MOBIX trips?

A: The craziest thing I’ve probably experienced during a MOBIX trip was at a four-way stop at the mall in my city. I came to a stop at the crosswalk sign and waited for it to change to allow for clearance, once it did I began crossing and then a car came flying in to try and turn into me, to which I pointed at the sign that showed it was not the cars turn to drive and so he began swearing at me and tried to step out of his vehicle (at the intersection) for what I assume was to start a fight for no reason, and I just biked away because it was a waste of time when he could have just understood he was in the wrong.

Q: Where would you like to spend your earned MOBX tokens?

A: I would love to be able to spend MOBX tokens at local bike shops for discounts on things like check-up repairs, tire patch-ups/changes, or accessories! There are a lot of local/non-chain bike shops in my city so I think it would provide cool opportunities for those local businesses.

Q: Which shop should become the next MOBIX Market Partner?

A: I would love to see the Canadian E-bike/E-scooter manufacturer and dealer, EMMO, become an official MOBIX Market Partner as they have so many great options for Canadians when looking for a really solid eco-friendly micro-mobility option and they are relatively small as Canada is still extremely new to expanding into micro-mobility but have put faith into multiple cities from small to big so I appreciate what they’re doing.

John’s ebike is ideally equipped for plowing through the Canadian snow.

Have a MOBIX story to share? We want to hear it! Get in touch with us to send us your MOBIX micromobility experience as part of the MOBIX community!